Get all users
You can fetch users by using the required headers and the API endpoint:
See the example below.
curl "" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_SECRET" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.signalzen.v1+json"
Please be aware, that you need to replace YOUR_API_SECRET
with API Secret Key that you can find on the Console Integration (General) page.
You can also add query parameters:
- Use it to scroll through all users listlimit
- Greater than 0 and lower than 100
The response will contain data structure as follows:
"name":"John Smith",
{"name":"company","value":"John limited"}
Remember — "user_attributes" in the response stands for the custom properties set by the widget JavaScript code.
Get a user
You can fetch single user by using the required headers and the API endpoint:{USER_ID}
See the example below.
curl "{USER_ID}" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_SECRET" \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.signalzen.v1+json"
The response will contain data structure as follows:
"name":"John Smith",
{"name":"company","value":"John limited"}
Remember — "user_attributes" in the response stands for the custom properties set by the widget JavaScript code.